Monday, September 30, 2013

Sci-tech information: Coffee, cola and energy drinks could slow brain development

Swiss Scientists say teens drinking three cans of energy drink or a large bottle of cola every day could be reducing the amount of deep sleep they get and therefore affect the development of the brain.
Caffeine-laden fizzy drinks could be stopping children’s brains from developing properly, scientists have warned. They believe that by preventing deep sleep, caffeine interferes with the development of the brain during adolescence. Buy Celexa (Citalopram Hydrobromide) pills online without prescription This is a critical time for the brain, when problems in development can lead to schizophrenia, anxiety, drug use and personality disorders. Buy Cellcept (Mycophenolate Mofetil) tabs online without prescription Researchers experimented on rats, but say the findings raise concerns for children and teenagers, some of whom consume large amounts of caffeine from colas and energy drinks. Between 300 and 400mg of caffeine – four cans of energy drink a day or three or four mugs of coffee – could make a difference, the study suggests. Buy Valtrex (Valacyclovir) without prescription A can of the popular energy drink Red Bull, for example, contains 80mg. The Swiss research focused on the development of the brain during the teenage years. As it prepares for the demands of adulthood, synapses, or connections between cells, that are not needed are eliminated. Buy Vitamins online It is thought that sleep is crucial to this process. Professor Reto Huber, of the University Children’s Hospital in Zurich, said: ‘This optimisation presumably occurs during deep sleep. ‘Key synapses extend, others are reduced; this makes the network more efficient and more powerful.’ OnlineRx's Blog Prof Huber said that when young rats were given caffeinated drinking water, they got less deep sleep than those who drank plain water. He said: ‘Children’s and young adults’ average caffeine consumption has increased by more than 70 per cent over the past 30 years and an end to this is not in sight. ‘The drinks industry is posting its fastest-growing sales in the segment of caffeine-laden energy drinks. ‘The brain goes through a delicate maturing phase in puberty, during which many mental diseases can break out.